St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 595 N McIlhaney, Stephenville, TX 76401 254-968-6949

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Interesting Places - Croatia

Croatia is an EU-candidate country, and its glittering Adriatic coast and numerous islands have made it a major regional tourism destination. One of the wealthier former Yugoslav republics, Croatia has modernized quicker than most, joining NATO in 2008 and likely to join the EU by 2014.

The country’s predominantly Catholic identity and historic orientation towards Italy and Central Europe distinguish it from Balkan neighbors. However, Croatia bears similarities to them in terms of certain social customs and preferences, as well as general inherited traits acquired with common experience, such as the prevailing methods of politicking, conducting business and power-brokering.

Outstanding Issues

An unresolved maritime border dispute with Slovenia, and a lesser one with Bosnia-Hercegovina regarding sea access and villages; corruption in politics and business; some organized crime concerns.

Forward Planning: Points of Interest

* Fallout from the global financial crisis, including price correction concerns and a rethink of possible over-reliance on tourism sector
* Government’s role in supporting ethnic Croat interests in Bosnia-Hercegovina, in the greater context of the latter’s political future
* EU relations, especially regarding final reforms and Slovenia debate
* Controversy over the significance of wartime events, such as veterans issues involving the 1991-95 war.

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About Me

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Southern Methodist University... (Perkins School of Theology)... Dallas, TX ... Degree: D.Min. (cum laude)... Major: Pastoral Care... Minor: Church History... 1984 - 1987.......... Nashotah House Theological Seminary... Nashotah, WI ... Degree: Master's Degree... Major: Parish Ministry... Minor: Liturgy... 1972 - 1975.......... The University Of Texas At Arlington... Arlington, TX ... Degree: Master's Degree... Major: Medieval Literature... Minor: Shakespeare... Greek: Sigma Tau Delta... 1970 - 1971.......... The University Of Texas At Arlington ... Arlington, TX ... Degree: Bachelor's Degree... Major: English... Minor: History... Greek: Sigma Tau Delta... 1965 - 1969